Bono For President: Acid Throwing

Bono For President

Friday, February 11, 2005

Acid Throwing

I promise, I'm looking for some good news, but for now, here's some info on a phenomenon called Acid Throwing which apparently began about 50 years ago in Bangladesh.

Perhaps you've heard of this horrible form of violence against women in South Asia. In countries like India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, a prevalent way for a man to inflict revenge on a woman who has either turned down his marriage proposal or insulted him in some way is to break into her house and throw sulfuric acid on her face. This also happens in public, on the streets. The really unfortunate and outrageous part is that the perpetrators of such crimes are almost never charged with doing anything wrong. Many, many cases go unreported because, like rape, it is a shameful thing to endure in that culture, despite the obvious injustice. Below is some information from The Acid Survivors Foundation, an organization established in Bangladesh in 1999 to support victims of these crimes and move forward in efforts to prevent such atrocities. More information is below, from their web site.

WHAT IS ACID THROWING ? Acid throwing is a vicious form of violence against women. Although we know that violence against women is a universal phenomenon, what many of us may not know is the extent and form the violence takes. This differs from one society to another. ACID THROWING is a particularly vicious and damaging form of violence against women in Bangladesh. There are cases of acid throwing in other countries but these are isolated incidents, nowhere near the number of attacks that occur in Bangladesh.

When acid is thrown on a person, the results are horrific. Nitric or Sulphuric Acid has a catastrophic effect on the human flesh. It causes the skin tissue to melt, often exposing the bones below the flesh, sometimes even dissolving the bone. When acid attacks the eyes, it damages these vital organs permanently. Many acid attack survivors have lost the use of one or both eyes. The victim is traumatized physically, psychologically and socially.
An acid attack on your body would dramatically change your life. Most survivors of an acid attack are forced to give up their education, their occupation and other important activities in their lives. This is because recovering from the trauma takes up most of their time and because the disfigurement they have to bear debilitates and handicaps them in every conceivable way.
The scars left by acid are not just skin deep- victims are most often faced with social isolation and ostracisation that further damages their self esteem, self-confidence and seriously undermines their professional and personal future. Women who have survived acid attacks have great difficulty in finding work and if unmarried, as many victims tend to be, they have very little chance of ever getting married, which in a country like Bangladesh is socially isolating.

It is difficult to obtain accurate statistics because most people in Bangladesh live in rural communities that are relatively isolated and mechanisms to gather information from these communities is weak. But there is evidence to indicate that there is an alarming increase in the number of reported acid attacks incidents in Bangladesh.
In 1996, there were 47 reported cases of acid violence. In 1997, the number rose to 130. In 1998, there were over 200 reported cases. It is highly likely that the number of actual cases is considerably higher. In 1999 the Acid Survivors Foundation started to collect data and in its first year documented 139 known cases. It is highly likely that the number of actual cases is higher.In 2000, 2001 we documented 226, 343 cases and in 2002 the highest number recorded as 484 which had been lower a little bit in the last year - 2003 - the number was 410 cases.

The first documented case of acid violence was in 1967 when a young girl had acid poured on her by her admirer when his proposal of marriage was refused by her mother. So acid violence is a fairly recent phenomenon in Bangladesh.

The victims are attacked for many reasons. In some cases, the attack takes place because a young girl or woman has spurned the sexual advances of a male or has rejected a proposal of marriage. Recently, however, there have been acid attacks on children, older women and sometimes also men. These attacks are often the result of family or land disputes, dowry demands or a desire for revenge.
Reasons for acid attacks during the years, the highest rate of occurrence took place over Land Disputes and Family dispute, the next highest rate of these brutal incidents are due to refusal of relationship/sex throughout the country.

The major victim of attacked is Women(47%) and Men(26%). Children(27%) could not escape from the attack. Sometimes domestic animals or birds are also victimized.


  • I've heard of this stuff before, maybe saw a news report on it. This is absolutely hideous stuff. Sheer selfish wickedness. The trauma and humiliation these women bear the rest of their lives is awful, particularly considering they usually do absolutely nothing to provoke the attack. The report I saw said that many young men throw acid on their fiancee if the dowry isn't high enough. Then, they don't have to marry her. Yep, it's that petty. And she is often left with a grotesquely scarred face...leading to the bucketload of social troubles that you mentioned.

    ps: Jessi, it might be a good idea to only post here every few days, to give folks a chance to catch up on each issue.

    By Blogger Patrick, at 11:16 AM  

  • Another incedent that I read about was over a chicken, and the man threw acid on the person daughter, making her unmarriable, in a country were gettin married is very importAnt

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:05 AM  

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